Anyway, there are 2 persons I wanna wish them happy birthday to. Arlie, HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!! Not forgetting my mahal ko, Happy Birthday Mahal!~
I especially like this one because the design is clean and simple and the character design reminds me of Honey and Clover. Akira looks like a Morita clone while Saki is like a younger, less miserable version of Yamada. The background is stunning and I'm impressed with the way Production I.G handled it. I had finished watching this some time back on YouTube. Watch it, and you won't be disappointed in this anime. From what I understand, there will be a movie version of this anime to close up the chapter.
Story - Based on Ep.1
A Japanese girl called Saki visits DC for the first time and want to make a wish by throwing a coin into a fountain located within the White House. One would think that since the US government is nervous about terrorism, a foreigner like Saki would be aware that this is not a good idea. I'm sure that she's been subjected to finger printing and all of the fun immigration things when she first entered that country. But then again, Japan is also all for finger printing and photo taking so maybe being treated like a criminal at the immigration feels natural for her. Anyway, she's quickly scolded by two burly guards who actually speak proper English words. Kudos to the producers for casting people who can actually speak English to play the Americans. Before she can get apprehended, however, pervert Morita-lookalike crosses the street stark nekkid and holding a gun.
In this POV, a man is seen talking to a voice on the phone about how he's disappointed with number 9. Judging from the convo, it seems Morita-lookalike has been programmed to achieve a task but for some reason went berserk and ended up stark naked on the street while holding a gun. After the man left in his car, Morita-lookalike gets a phone call from his expensive-looking mobile. Upon hearing a tone, he gets deactivated from whatever trance he was on. He realizes that he's stark naked and holding a gun. See, most people will throw the gun in haste and go and find a place to hide. But not this guy. He crosses the street waving the gun stark naked. I suppose he can at least he can plea for insanity if he had gotten caught.
The two guards see him, thinks he's dangerous, but then a truck passed by. The guards think fake Morita latched onto the truck so they go after it. As it turns out, he was hiding behind the street pavement. Obviously Saki is nervous when she sees a naked man coming to her with a gun in his hand. However, she decides to be nice to him and teach him some modesty by giving the guy her hat, muffler, and jacket. The two then part and fake Morita calls his mobile and gets the same voice. He wants to know if the voice knows his identity since he can't remember it at all. The voice claims that since his memory has been erased and his next assignment is not available yet, she can't tell who he should be. Awkward. Because of this, fake Morita has no choice but to go back to the home that is pointed on the map in his mobile. Meanwhile, Saki realizes that her passport was inside the jacket she gave to fake Morita.
She spots the guy somehow persuading a businessman to give up his trousers. The biggest mystery is when he enters the apartment and all of a sudden his neighbor can understand what fake Morita is talking about even though he's speaking in Japanese.
Fake Morita enters his room and finds out that he has a lot of firearms and bomb-making materials. Yeah, he's a certified terrorist, all right. He also has a lot of fake passport. I'm disappointed that one of the fake names is not Shinobu Morita. Another item of interest is a picture of him posing against the background of many nekkid guys. Maybe they were about to have annual meeting for Japan Bukkake club? Anyway, Saki knocks on the door, asking if he can return her jacket since it has her passport in it. Fake Morita checks the passport and finds out that her name is Morimi Saki. Elsewhere, the "We want to marry anime characters" group rejoice when they find out that Saki is 20 years old while pedobears everywhere sulk and yell "too old!". Fake Morita feels that he's the same age as Saki so he flips through fake passport to find one that has similar year of birth. And with that he becomes Takizawa Akira.
Meanwhile, a policewoman comes to the apartment to inspect the suspicious couple. Akira, however, throws her off by showing off his massive package, proving that unlike the guy in the pic, he's comparatively well-endowed. Pics or it didn't happen, animators! And oh, this policewoman is definitely an anime fangirl. She can even understand Akira even though this time around his speech is more complicated than the one he used on his neighbor. Anyway, the two then run away from the apartment since Akira has set it on fire. The two go to the airport and they talk about how Japan is no longer self-sufficient anymore. This is why Saki wanted to make a wish, hoping it'll bring some changes. The two then joke around until they witness a news about how there's a missile attack on Japan. It feels weird to see a serious political drama with Honey and Clover characters in it.
Me likes that anime so much.