From a humble starting of 4 family members (Bizenghast, October, WinterFairy, WinterSaint), our family has grown to the current size of almost 30 family members. The bigger we are, problems will start rolling in. To avoid any bad attitude or unhappiness in our family, I have come out with Da Ecchi Stars Rules and Regulations. Kindly take your time to read through and abide to the rules.
The following Rules and Regulations will apply to all family members of Da Ecchi Stars. The Rules and Regulations are subjected to change and amendments without prior notification.
1. Respect the other family members
Please treat others the same way you will want to be treated.
Please keep all personal conflicts to yourself and have discussions, not arguments. If you disagree with another family member, talk it out calmly so other can understand your point and feelings. Do not insult the intelligence of the other family member. If a family member gets on your nerves, do not go out of your way to insult them.
No family member shall personally reprimand any other family members. A family member may report unsatisfactory conduct of the particular family member to the Family Master.
2. Regulations for being Da Ecchi Stars
All family members must make an effort to mark his/her attendance daily. If you are not able to go online and mark you attendance, kindly inform the Family Master your reasons for not being able to do so.
Family members who are inactive for more than 2 weeks, shall be kicked out from the family. This is to avoid bad attendance check. If you wish to join back, write in and appeal. It will be determined by the Family Master to re-accept you into the family.
Family members should always greet one another whenever login or logout in Audition.
Family members should try to spend time and play a few games together. You are not obligated to play with the family. However, it would be nice to see family members playing together at least for a few games before joining your own friends. Those who always act as a lone ranger, disciplinary action will be determined by the Family Master. If you like to be a lone ranger, do not join a family.
Family members should always try to play at the Family Channel that is being purchased. It is not compulsory for you to do so. However, it will be much appreciated if family members can try his/her best to play at the Family Channel.
3. Family uniform
It is COMPULSORY for every family member to own the Family uniform. You are expected to wear the Family uniform for events.
NOT ALL family members will be gifted the Family uniform. Family members who are inactive will not be gifted the Family uniform. Family members who act as lone ranger will not be gifted too.
Family members who joined before December 1st, 2008 will stand the chance to be gifted the Family uniform for free. Those who joins after December 1st, 2008 are required to purchase the Family uniform at their own cost.
Family members who have failed to purchase the family uniform, will be kicked out from the family. Wearing the family uniform is a symbol of being Da Ecchi Stars, something that every family member should be proud of.
It is to the discretion of the Family Master to gift the Family uniform.
4. Miscellaneous
Offenses involving the following will result in severe consequences:
- Attempting to defame, discredit or challenge Da Ecchi Stars Family Master or Co-Founders.
- Attempting to threaten Da Ecchi Stars Family Master or Co-Founders.
Family members may be expelled or suspended for any unacceptable conduct, , or willful violation of the rules and regulations. Disciplinary action will be determined by the Family Master.
If you feel that the expells seem unjustified or are made in bad judgement, please leave your appeals at Da Ecchi Stars Forumites > Feedback and Suggestions.
::: Song of the Week :::
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Koda Kumi - Stay With Me [MV]
I am on a role with low ratings. I’ve never been a huge fan of Kuu’s ballads. I find her voice too harsh for them, but I do love the emotion that she oozes when she sings and she compliments it with her acting. ^^ It is great to see something released from her. It hasn’t been long since Taboo was released, but I was already feeling withdrawal symptoms lol ^^
Credit -> okashi_tomodachi @BJJ
"Last Angel" is her 38th single and is a collaboration with Korean boyband DBSK which was released on November 7, 2007 in Japan. Worth watching as well. Enjoy!~
Saturday, November 22, 2008
A Blazing Success For Our First Family Event!
Wow! Recovering from our first family event which from my perspective was a great success…but even more importantly, from the participant’s perspective, it was a great event! So many family members who were there told me that they enjoyed and had a great time which was very appreciated.
One of the reasons that drove me in organizing this event was the desire to bring each and everyone in the family closer. I know that some of the family members had never met or barely know each other. And last night everyone at the event was having a great time, cracking jokes and pulling each other's leg! That was nice…but even better was the feeling that I created something and did something that I was PROUD of for the first time for this year! So thanks to those who were a part of it, and I look forward to seeing MORE family members at a future event!
Also, 2 of our family members had their wedding after the event. My blessings to them and may they stay a pair of ecchi couple. To myam and chidorisora : "Don't forget I'm waiting to be your kids fairy godmother. So work hard, ecchi everynight ok!!!"
Below are some screenshots to recap the eventful night.
Second group of contestants for Individual battle event. Top 3 winners got to move on to the next round were J3r4n, October & chidorisora.
The finalists for Individual battle.Congratulations to grez for winning the Individual battle event! He had won 120EP. Good job!
Preliminaries round for first group of contestants for Team battle event : WinterSaint & bHieShiNichi vs October & grez. October & grez won with the score of 2 - 0.
Preliminaries round for second group of contestants for Team battle event : ------KiTCaT & Hime vs J3r4n & -AnGeL-AbbY. ------KiTCaT & Hime won with the score of 2 - 0.
Preliminaries round for third group of contestants for Team battle event : Bizenghast & WinterFairy vs chidorisora & myam. chidorisora & myam won with the score of 2 - 0.
Semi-finalists for Team battle event :------KiTCaT & Hime vs October & grez. Winner for this round were October & grez.
Finalists for Team battle event : October & grez vs chidorisora & myam. chidorisora was disconnected halfway through the competition, and to the approval from the winning team, both teams had a rematch. Congratulations to October & grez for winning the Team battle event. Both had won 120EP each. Good job!
Not forgetting our very own ecchi couple who wedded after the event. All the guests who attended the wedding must be either in black or white. A requirement by the family master, that would be myself hahaha... A few screenshots for that special moment. CONGRATULATIONS TO THE NEWLY WEDS! BE ECCHI EVERY NIGHT!!!
By the way, those 2 lovebirds couldn't wait to get ecchi and went for their honeymoon right after the wedding. I have a screenshot of them going on honeymoon as proof! Wahahaha... SO ECCHI!!!
I'm hoping that with this success can lead to more! So reach out and tell me what kind of competition you’d be interested in such an event. I am opened to suggestions. Our next family event will be a... ... CHRISTMAS PARTY!!! So what are you waiting for? Start sending in your suggestions now via our family forum. I will start a topic on it.
One of the reasons that drove me in organizing this event was the desire to bring each and everyone in the family closer. I know that some of the family members had never met or barely know each other. And last night everyone at the event was having a great time, cracking jokes and pulling each other's leg! That was nice…but even better was the feeling that I created something and did something that I was PROUD of for the first time for this year! So thanks to those who were a part of it, and I look forward to seeing MORE family members at a future event!
Also, 2 of our family members had their wedding after the event. My blessings to them and may they stay a pair of ecchi couple. To myam and chidorisora : "Don't forget I'm waiting to be your kids fairy godmother. So work hard, ecchi everynight ok!!!"
Below are some screenshots to recap the eventful night.
First group of contestants for Individual battle event. Top 3 winners got to move on to the next round were ------KiTCaT, grez & myam.
Second group of contestants for Individual battle event. Top 3 winners got to move on to the next round were J3r4n, October & chidorisora.
The finalists for Individual battle.Congratulations to grez for winning the Individual battle event! He had won 120EP. Good job!
Preliminaries round for first group of contestants for Team battle event : WinterSaint & bHieShiNichi vs October & grez. October & grez won with the score of 2 - 0.
Preliminaries round for second group of contestants for Team battle event : ------KiTCaT & Hime vs J3r4n & -AnGeL-AbbY. ------KiTCaT & Hime won with the score of 2 - 0.
Preliminaries round for third group of contestants for Team battle event : Bizenghast & WinterFairy vs chidorisora & myam. chidorisora & myam won with the score of 2 - 0.
Semi-finalists for Team battle event :------KiTCaT & Hime vs October & grez. Winner for this round were October & grez.
Finalists for Team battle event : October & grez vs chidorisora & myam. chidorisora was disconnected halfway through the competition, and to the approval from the winning team, both teams had a rematch. Congratulations to October & grez for winning the Team battle event. Both had won 120EP each. Good job!
Not forgetting our very own ecchi couple who wedded after the event. All the guests who attended the wedding must be either in black or white. A requirement by the family master, that would be myself hahaha... A few screenshots for that special moment. CONGRATULATIONS TO THE NEWLY WEDS! BE ECCHI EVERY NIGHT!!!
By the way, those 2 lovebirds couldn't wait to get ecchi and went for their honeymoon right after the wedding. I have a screenshot of them going on honeymoon as proof! Wahahaha... SO ECCHI!!!
I'm hoping that with this success can lead to more! So reach out and tell me what kind of competition you’d be interested in such an event. I am opened to suggestions. Our next family event will be a... ... CHRISTMAS PARTY!!! So what are you waiting for? Start sending in your suggestions now via our family forum. I will start a topic on it.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Modern Powerdressing
Modern Powerdressing - From Ivanka Trump to Sarah Palin and Michelle Obama (CLUSTER)
(TREND HUNTER) Donald Trump's daughter Ivanka Trump, has made quite a name for herself. Rather than just relaxing in a cushy life provided by her business tycoon and real estate developer father, Donald Trump, at only… [More]
Woman jailed after 'killing' virtual husband
By MARI YAMAGUCHI,Associated Press Writer
AP - Friday, October 24
TOKYO - A 43-year-old player in a virtual game world became so angry about her sudden divorce from her online husband that she logged on with his password and killed his digital persona, police said.
The woman, who has been jailed on suspicion of illegally accessing a computer and manipulating electronic data, used his ID and password to log onto the popular interactive game "Maple Story" to carry out the virtual murder in May, a police official in the northern city of Sapporo said Thursday. He spoke on condition of anonymity because of department policy.
"I was suddenly divorced, without a word of warning. That made me so angry," the official quoted her as telling investigators and admitting the allegations.
The woman, a piano teacher, had not plotted any revenge in the real world, the official said.
She has not yet been formally charged. If convicted, she could face up to five years in prison or a fine up to US$5,000.
Players in "Maple Story" create and manipulate digital images called "avatars" that represent themselves, while engaging in relationships, social activities and fighting monsters and other obstacles.
In virtual worlds, players often abandon their inhibitions, engaging in activity online that they would never do in the real world. For instance, sex with strangers is a common activity.
The woman used login information she got from the 33-year-old office worker when their characters were happily married to kill the character. The man complained to police when he discovered that his online avatar was dead.
The woman was arrested Wednesday and taken 620 miles (1,000 kilometers) from her home in southern Miyazaki to be detained in Sapporo, where the man lives, the official said.
The police official said he did not know if she was married in the real world.
Bad online behavior is usually handled within the rules set up by online worlds, which can ban miscreants or take away their virtual possessions.
In recent years, misbehavior in the virtual world has in some cases had consequences in reality.
In August, a woman was charged in the U.S. state of Delaware with plotting the real-life abduction of a boyfriend she met through the virtual reality Web site "Second Life."
In Tokyo, a 16-year-old boy was charged with stealing the ID and password from a fellow player of an online game in order to swindle virtual currency worth US$360,000.
AP - Friday, October 24
TOKYO - A 43-year-old player in a virtual game world became so angry about her sudden divorce from her online husband that she logged on with his password and killed his digital persona, police said.
The woman, who has been jailed on suspicion of illegally accessing a computer and manipulating electronic data, used his ID and password to log onto the popular interactive game "Maple Story" to carry out the virtual murder in May, a police official in the northern city of Sapporo said Thursday. He spoke on condition of anonymity because of department policy.
"I was suddenly divorced, without a word of warning. That made me so angry," the official quoted her as telling investigators and admitting the allegations.
The woman, a piano teacher, had not plotted any revenge in the real world, the official said.
She has not yet been formally charged. If convicted, she could face up to five years in prison or a fine up to US$5,000.
Players in "Maple Story" create and manipulate digital images called "avatars" that represent themselves, while engaging in relationships, social activities and fighting monsters and other obstacles.
In virtual worlds, players often abandon their inhibitions, engaging in activity online that they would never do in the real world. For instance, sex with strangers is a common activity.
The woman used login information she got from the 33-year-old office worker when their characters were happily married to kill the character. The man complained to police when he discovered that his online avatar was dead.
The woman was arrested Wednesday and taken 620 miles (1,000 kilometers) from her home in southern Miyazaki to be detained in Sapporo, where the man lives, the official said.
The police official said he did not know if she was married in the real world.
Bad online behavior is usually handled within the rules set up by online worlds, which can ban miscreants or take away their virtual possessions.
In recent years, misbehavior in the virtual world has in some cases had consequences in reality.
In August, a woman was charged in the U.S. state of Delaware with plotting the real-life abduction of a boyfriend she met through the virtual reality Web site "Second Life."
In Tokyo, a 16-year-old boy was charged with stealing the ID and password from a fellow player of an online game in order to swindle virtual currency worth US$360,000.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Christmas (IPA: /krɪsməs/), also referred to as Christmas Day or Christmastide, is an annual holiday celebrated on December 25[2] that marks and honors the birth of Jesus of Nazareth.[3][4][5] His birth, which is the basis for the Anno Domini system of dating, has been determined by modern historians as having occurred between 7 and 2 BC. The date of celebration is not thought to be Jesus' actual date of birth, and may have been chosen to coincide with ancient Roman solar festivals that were held on December 25.[6]
Modern customs of the holiday include gift-giving, church celebrations, and the display of various decorations—including the Christmas tree, lights, mistletoe, nativity scenes and holly. Santa Claus (also referred to as Father Christmas, although the two figures have different origins) is a popular mythological figure often associated with bringing gifts at Christmas. Santa is generally believed to be the result of a syncretization between St. Nicholas of Myra and elements from pagan Nordic and Christian mythology, and his modern appearance is believed to have originated in 19th century media.
Christmas is celebrated throughout the Christian population, but is also celebrated by many non-Christians as a secular, cultural festival. The holiday is widely celebrated around the world, including in the United States, where it is celebrated by 96% of the population.[7] Because gift-giving and several other aspects of the holiday involve heightened economic activity among both Christians and non-Christians, Christmas has become a major event for many retailers.
Christmas Eve, December 24, is the day before Christmas Day, the celebrated birthday of Jesus Christ.
Gift Giving
It is also seen as the night when Santa Claus or his international variants make their rounds giving gifts to good children. In the Czech Republic and Hungary, where St. Nicholas (sveti Mikuláš) gives his sweet gifts on December 6, the Christmas gift-giver is the Child Jesus (Ježíšek in Czech and Jézuska in Hungarian), also known to most as Christkind. In Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Hungary, Norway, Iceland, Argentina, Poland, Portugal and Quebec, Christmas presents are opened mostly on the evening of the 24th, while in Italy, the United States, the United Kingdom, Ireland, English Canada, South Africa, and Australia mostly on the morning of Christmas Day. In Finland Joulupukki personally meets children and gives presents in the evening of Christmas Eve. In most parts of Germany, Austria, and Switzerland Christmas presents are opened in the evening of December 24th ('Bescherung') and are brought by Christkind or Christchild, who leaves the gifts but is never seen doing so. In Spain gifts are traditionally opened on the morning of January 6, Epiphany day ("Día de Los Tres Reyes Magos"), though in some other countries, like Argentina and Uruguay people received presents both around Christmas and on the morning of Epiphany day; there are also some countries, like the rest of Latin America, where people stay awake until midnight, when they open the presents.
Regional Traditions
Further information: Christmas in the Philippines
In the Philippines, the predominantly Roman Catholic Christian country in Asia, Christmas Eve is usually celebrated by attending the "Rooster's Mass or Misa del Gallo which is celebrated hours before the clock ticks 12 A.M. signifying the arrival of Christmas Day. After attending church, Filipino families usually hold a feast named Noche Buena to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. A great variety of food is eaten during this feast, an event that usually is done with great preparation. Foods being prepared include the famous lechón, quezo de bola, jamón (Christmas ham), roast chicken (turkey did not gain much popularity in the Philippines), barbecued meats, pancit, among many others. Despite the fact that some families are poor, they still find a way to commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ through eating, family time and merry-making.
Santa Claus, also known as Saint Nicholas, Father Christmas, Kris Kringle, or simply "Santa", is the figure who, in Western cultures, is described as bringing gifts on Christmas Eve, December 24[1] or on his Feast Day, December 6.[2] The legend may have its basis in hagiographical tales concerning the historical figure of Saint Nicholas.
The modern depiction of Santa Claus as a fat, jolly man (or gnome) wearing a red coat and trousers with white cuffs and collar, and black leather belt and boots, became popular in the United States in the 19th century due to the significant influence of caricaturist and political cartoonist Thomas Nast.[3] This image has been maintained and reinforced through song, radio, television, and films. In the United Kingdom and Europe, his depiction is often identical to the American Santa, but he is commonly called Father Christmas.
One legend associated with Santa says that he lives in the far north, in a land of perpetual snow. The American version of Santa Claus lives at the North Pole, while Father Christmas is said to reside in Lapland. Other details include: that he is married and lives with Mrs. Claus; that he makes a list of children throughout the world, categorizing them according to their behavior; that he delivers presents, including toys, candy, and other presents to all of the good boys and girls in the world, and sometimes coal or sticks to the naughty children, in one night; and that he accomplishes this feat with the aid of magical elves who make the toys, and eight or nine flying reindeer who pull his sleigh.[4][5]
There has long been opposition to teaching children to believe in Santa Claus. Some Christians say the Santa tradition detracts from the religious origins and purpose of Christmas. Other critics feel that Santa Claus is an elaborate lie, and that it is unethical for parents to teach their children to believe in his existence.[6] Still others oppose Santa Claus as a symbol of the commercialization of the Christmas holiday, or as an intrusion upon their own national traditions.[7]
*Extracted from Wikipedia
Modern customs of the holiday include gift-giving, church celebrations, and the display of various decorations—including the Christmas tree, lights, mistletoe, nativity scenes and holly. Santa Claus (also referred to as Father Christmas, although the two figures have different origins) is a popular mythological figure often associated with bringing gifts at Christmas. Santa is generally believed to be the result of a syncretization between St. Nicholas of Myra and elements from pagan Nordic and Christian mythology, and his modern appearance is believed to have originated in 19th century media.
Christmas is celebrated throughout the Christian population, but is also celebrated by many non-Christians as a secular, cultural festival. The holiday is widely celebrated around the world, including in the United States, where it is celebrated by 96% of the population.[7] Because gift-giving and several other aspects of the holiday involve heightened economic activity among both Christians and non-Christians, Christmas has become a major event for many retailers.
Christmas Eve, December 24, is the day before Christmas Day, the celebrated birthday of Jesus Christ.
Gift Giving
It is also seen as the night when Santa Claus or his international variants make their rounds giving gifts to good children. In the Czech Republic and Hungary, where St. Nicholas (sveti Mikuláš) gives his sweet gifts on December 6, the Christmas gift-giver is the Child Jesus (Ježíšek in Czech and Jézuska in Hungarian), also known to most as Christkind. In Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Hungary, Norway, Iceland, Argentina, Poland, Portugal and Quebec, Christmas presents are opened mostly on the evening of the 24th, while in Italy, the United States, the United Kingdom, Ireland, English Canada, South Africa, and Australia mostly on the morning of Christmas Day. In Finland Joulupukki personally meets children and gives presents in the evening of Christmas Eve. In most parts of Germany, Austria, and Switzerland Christmas presents are opened in the evening of December 24th ('Bescherung') and are brought by Christkind or Christchild, who leaves the gifts but is never seen doing so. In Spain gifts are traditionally opened on the morning of January 6, Epiphany day ("Día de Los Tres Reyes Magos"), though in some other countries, like Argentina and Uruguay people received presents both around Christmas and on the morning of Epiphany day; there are also some countries, like the rest of Latin America, where people stay awake until midnight, when they open the presents.
Regional Traditions
Further information: Christmas in the Philippines
In the Philippines, the predominantly Roman Catholic Christian country in Asia, Christmas Eve is usually celebrated by attending the "Rooster's Mass or Misa del Gallo which is celebrated hours before the clock ticks 12 A.M. signifying the arrival of Christmas Day. After attending church, Filipino families usually hold a feast named Noche Buena to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. A great variety of food is eaten during this feast, an event that usually is done with great preparation. Foods being prepared include the famous lechón, quezo de bola, jamón (Christmas ham), roast chicken (turkey did not gain much popularity in the Philippines), barbecued meats, pancit, among many others. Despite the fact that some families are poor, they still find a way to commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ through eating, family time and merry-making.
Santa Claus, also known as Saint Nicholas, Father Christmas, Kris Kringle, or simply "Santa", is the figure who, in Western cultures, is described as bringing gifts on Christmas Eve, December 24[1] or on his Feast Day, December 6.[2] The legend may have its basis in hagiographical tales concerning the historical figure of Saint Nicholas.
The modern depiction of Santa Claus as a fat, jolly man (or gnome) wearing a red coat and trousers with white cuffs and collar, and black leather belt and boots, became popular in the United States in the 19th century due to the significant influence of caricaturist and political cartoonist Thomas Nast.[3] This image has been maintained and reinforced through song, radio, television, and films. In the United Kingdom and Europe, his depiction is often identical to the American Santa, but he is commonly called Father Christmas.
One legend associated with Santa says that he lives in the far north, in a land of perpetual snow. The American version of Santa Claus lives at the North Pole, while Father Christmas is said to reside in Lapland. Other details include: that he is married and lives with Mrs. Claus; that he makes a list of children throughout the world, categorizing them according to their behavior; that he delivers presents, including toys, candy, and other presents to all of the good boys and girls in the world, and sometimes coal or sticks to the naughty children, in one night; and that he accomplishes this feat with the aid of magical elves who make the toys, and eight or nine flying reindeer who pull his sleigh.[4][5]
There has long been opposition to teaching children to believe in Santa Claus. Some Christians say the Santa tradition detracts from the religious origins and purpose of Christmas. Other critics feel that Santa Claus is an elaborate lie, and that it is unethical for parents to teach their children to believe in his existence.[6] Still others oppose Santa Claus as a symbol of the commercialization of the Christmas holiday, or as an intrusion upon their own national traditions.[7]
*Extracted from Wikipedia
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Paradise Kiss : Series Info
The purpose of this review is to give you a general impression about the series in the hope that it'll attract people to the series. Well, not that this particular series actually needs it since it already has installed loyal fanbase thanks to the manga (and I'm one of them haha... ). In the manga, George is more of a jerk for the way he treats Yukari. However, in the anime itself he seems a much nicer person.
Original Manga
Original Title: 「パラダイス キス」 (Paradise Kiss)
Authored by: Yazawa Ai
Serialised in: Zipper magazine
Broadcast information
Starting date: 13 October 2005
Station: Fuji TV
Animation Studio: MadHouse
Character Designer: Nobuteru Yuki
Opening Theme
Lonely in Gorgeous Clip
Performed by Tommy february6
Ending Theme
Do You Want To Clip
Performed by Franz Ferdinand
About the series
Created by Yazawa Ai, the author of the popular Nana series (I love Nana too!!!), Paradise Kiss is essentially about a group of 5 students who struggle with their love life and their future in the fashion design industry. The lead character, Hayasaka Yukari, started out as an ice-queen type of a character who wanted nothing to do with the other students when they ask her to become a model for their design. She, however, quickly becomes entangled with the group when the group's leader and main fashion designer, Koizumi 'George' Jouji, shows a personal interest in her. Jouji somehow gives me a deja vu feeling of Travis.
Despite what some people might expect, however, this is actually quite different from its Noitamina predecessor, Honey and Clover. Honey and Clover takes a much relaxed approach to its story-telling and most of its characters are actually likeable despite their flaws. Paradise Kiss, on the other hand, features a faster-paced storyline and characters that at times border on unlikeable but capable of creating conflicts and melodrama. Whether or not the series is as good or as enjoyable as Honey and Clover is subjective to what you prefer in a storyline. As for me, I hate the ending. It's just so sad...
Characters (SPOILER!!!)
Yukari "Caroline" Hayasaka [早坂紫] / Voiced by: Yu Yamada
Yukari is the heroine of the story, a high school student who is tired of the meaningless and repetitive life that has been forced upon her by her uptight mother. She eventually models for Paradise Kiss after being "kidnapped" by Isabella and whisked away to Paradise Kiss' "atelier". She is often referred to, inexplicably, as "Caroline" by Miwako.
Yukari begins the series as a pretty faced, yet rather unattractive in personality, high school senior that studies dutifully for university entrance exams. When she meets the ParaKiss crew, she begins to discover new depth to her personality and life. Her passionate and sometimes destructive relationship with George is key to this self-discovery. Yukari is competitive, quick to blame others, and desperately wants to experience more; George often points out the flaws in her personality, but admits that he finds them alluring, claiming that she was "born into this world to drive [him] crazy." At the end of the series, Yukari ends up marrying her schoolmate, Hiroyuki Tokumori. (Although this is revealed during the last volume of the manga, the last episode of the series only hints at their marriage.)
George Koizumi [小泉譲二] / Voiced by: Kenji Hamada
George is an eccentric, handsome, and extremely charismatic student of Yazagaku who has extraordinary talent with a gift for fashion design, haute couture in particular. Despite his cold demeanor, he has extravagant ideas on everything, most of which are not accepted by the general public. He wants Yukari to become an independent woman, as well as a girl that will take responsibility for her own mistakes. He considers himself bisexual, or as he says, "an equal opportunity lover"; he also makes constant reference to how good he is with knots, and offers to tie people up repeatedly. His appearance is loosely based on Brian Slade of Velvet Goldmine, and several references to the film are made by him in the manga. He has distinctive blue hair and eyes, making Yukari humorously question if he is an alien. George can come off as cold and manipulative--Arashi warns Yukari that he is "not a man that will make a woman happy"--but he deeply cares for Yukari. George is the one to steal Yukari's virginity, even mocking her for it during sex. The lifestyle that he lives is top-notch; he lives in a loft apartment and drives a vintage Jaguar, but because his mother was merely a mistress, he rarely sees his father. Regardless, his mother dryly complains that he looks and acts just like him. At the end of the series, it is shown that he has designed the costumes for a Broadway show.
Miwako Sakurada [櫻田実和子] / Voiced by: Marika Matsumoto
A student of Yazagaku who works with George to run their own brand, Paradise Kiss. She is the younger sister of the Happy Berry brand's creator/president, Mikako Kouda, who is the protagonist in Ai Yazawa's Gokinjo Monogatari work. She is exceptionally sweet and cute. Miwako tends to act in a rather childlike manner, both in her Lolita style dress and unique vocabulary. She owns a cat named Josefine. At the end of the manga, Yukari and Hiroyuki talk about Miwako, who is married with Arashi and they have a daughter named Erica, who looks more like him.
Arashi Nagase [永瀬嵐/ / Voiced by: Shunsuke Mizutani
Arashi is a student of Yazagaku with a taste for punk style, piercings, and alternative music. He is Miwako's boyfriend, they have both known each other--along with Hiroyuki Tokumori--from childhood. Miwako later reveals that she "chose" Arashi over Hiroyuki when the three of them began high school. Even though Arashi has a generally cynical, sometimes abrasive personality, he does care deeply about those around him. When the members of ParaKiss engage in outrageous behavior, Arashi is usually the voice of reason. He is the son of a musician, Kanzaki Risa, who is a good friend of Mikako Kouda. (Both characters appear in Gokinjo Monogatari.)
Daisuke "Isabella" Yamamoto [山本大助] / Voiced by: Chiharu Suzuka
Isabella is the mother figure to the members of ParaKiss. This tall Yazagaku student is the epitome of high class and femininity. Isabella inspired George's very first dress during childhood, and often had the habit of taking every piece of clothing that he finished. Isabella encourages Yukari when she needs it the most, whether it be regarding George or her abandoned studies. Notably, Isabella is actually a crossdresser, and she is mortified when anyone refers to her as 'Daisuke', her birth name.
Hiroyuki Tokumori [徳森浩行] / Voiced by: Noriyuki Uchino
Yukari's classmate, an intelligent and handsome young man who happens to be the object of Yukari's affections at the beginning of the story. Hiroyuki was once in love with Miwako, but Arashi forbade her from seeing him. He eventually falls for Yukari, who foolishly assumed that he'd never date a girl like her. The two later marry. Son of Gokinjo Monogatari character, Hiroaki Tokumori ("Toku-chan").
Kaori Aso [麻生香] / Voiced by: Miho Saiki
A former Yazagaku student who is now studying abroad. She has romantic feelings for her old friend George, but knows that he is not the type to make a woman happy.
Paradise Kiss official site from Zipper magazine
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Our First Family Event
Da Ecchi Stars was formed on 24th August 2008. From the initial startup of just 4 family members, the word "expansion" did not come into my mind. Along our journey, we met and found friendship in fellow auditioners who ended up joining our humble family. Now, Da Ecchi Stars has a total of 21 family members.
"Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow; Don't walk behind me, I may not lead; Walk beside me, and just be my friend." - Alber Camus
Now, let's come to the plus point of having a bigger family. We can have... EVENT!!! The moment that you and I have been waiting for, our first family event. The family event will be held on 21st November @8pm.
Please standby at Undaground server @8pm sharp. I will PM all family members on the exact channel on the day itself via Fam Chat. For guests, kindly look out for bulletin.
Cool EP prizes await you in our family event! Will you be the lucky one to win one of these prizes?
Each winner will receive an indefinite avatar worth 120 EP (except for the pet which will only be for 30 days). Winners can choose from 1 of the options below.
For Team Battle Mode, family members are to submit their team members to me latest by 9th November.
Click to view posting in family forum
"Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow; Don't walk behind me, I may not lead; Walk beside me, and just be my friend." - Alber Camus
Now, let's come to the plus point of having a bigger family. We can have... EVENT!!! The moment that you and I have been waiting for, our first family event. The family event will be held on 21st November @8pm.
Please standby at Undaground server @8pm sharp. I will PM all family members on the exact channel on the day itself via Fam Chat. For guests, kindly look out for bulletin.
Cool EP prizes await you in our family event! Will you be the lucky one to win one of these prizes?
Each winner will receive an indefinite avatar worth 120 EP (except for the pet which will only be for 30 days). Winners can choose from 1 of the options below.
Individual Battle Mode
- Fam Master will create individual rooms with password in undaground channel, inviting family members + guests.
- Game shall start when Fam Master indicates she is ready in observer mode, with both teams ready.
- Players will play a total of 1 song. Family Master Selected Mode & Song: Random Mode - Dream Machine. Chance Mode - Random.
- Players in top 4 positions will advance to the next round.
Team Battle Mode
- 2 vs 2 team battle will be set-up.
- Fam Master will create individual rooms with password in undaground channel, inviting family members + guests.
- Game shall start when Fam Master indicates she is ready in observer mode, with both teams ready.
- Players will play a total of 3 songs.(1 selected by own team, 1 by opponent team, 1 by Family Master) Family Master Selected Mode & Song: Dance Battle 4 - Can Can. Chance Mode - Random.
- Team who wins 2 out of 3 songs will advance to the next round.
For Team Battle Mode, family members are to submit their team members to me latest by 9th November.
Click to view posting in family forum
Monday, November 3, 2008
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya : Series Info
I've always loved The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi and have been compiling everything that I know about the series onto this page. I ended up looking through Wikipedia entry of Suzumiya Haruhi and from various websites for the review. If you haven't watched the anime and hate spoiler, skip past the Characters Information and Glossary of Terms.
General Information
Official Site:
Original Title: 「涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱」(Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuu-utsu)
Alternate Title: The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
Created by: Tanigawa Nagaru 「谷川流」
Original Character Design: Itou Noizi 「いとうのいぢ」
Original Serialisation: Sneaker magazine's light novel
Animation Studio: Kyoto Animation
Sugita Tomokazu 「杉田友和」: "Kyon" 「キョン」
Hirano Aya 「平野綾」: Suzumiya Haruhi 「涼宮ハルヒ」
Chihara Minori 「茅原実里」: Nagato Yuki 「長門有希」
Gotou Yuuko 「後藤邑子」: Asahina Mikuru 「朝比奈みくる」
Ono Daisuke 「小野大輔」: Koizumi Itsuki「古泉一樹」
Kuwatani Natsuko 「桑谷夏子」: Asakura Ryouko 「朝倉涼子」
Matsuoka Yuki 「松岡由貴」: Tsuruya-san 「鶴屋さん」
Shiraishi Minoru 「白石稔」: Taniguchi 「谷口」
Matsumoto Megumi 「松元恵」: Kunikida 「国木田」
Ogata Kenichi 「緒方健一」: Shamisen 「シャミセン」
Aoki Sayaka 「あおきさやか」: Kyon's sister 「キョンの妹」
Shiratori Yuri 「白鳥由里」: Kimidori Emiri 「喜緑江美里」
Episode Guide
Episode 1: The Adventure of Asahina Mikuri - Episode 00
Mikuru is a combat waitreses from the future who's come to protect a boy who posesses ESP power from the clutch of evil and alien Witch called Yuki.
Episode 2: The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi I
Kyon, the narrator of the first episode reveals his first meeting with Suzumiya Haruhi, a girl who's only interested in talking to Aliens, time travelers, and people with ESP powers.
Episode 3: The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi II
Haruhi mentions her interest in getting a mysterious transfer student. In order to achieve this, she blackmails the computer society members and forces Mikuru to wear a Bunny outfit while handing out leaflets. Meanwhile, Kyon is informed by Yuki that she and Haruhi are not normal humans.
Episode 4: The Boredom of Suzumiya Haruhi
Haruhi drafts the entire SOS-Dan members and their friends to play Baseball against college teams. She, however, becomes upset when her team is losing and may endanger the world due to her unstable emotion.
Episode 5: The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi III
Mikuru and the newly recruited member, Koizumi Itsuki, reveal to Kyon that they have agenda of their own for joining SOS-Dan.
Episode 6: The Lone Island Syndrome I
SOS-Dan goes to a secluded island together for holiday but end up getting involved in a murder mystery when the owner of the island is found dead.
Episode 7: Mysterique Sign
A girl asks SOS-Dan to look for her missing boyfriend, who turns out to be the President of Computer Society Club that got blackmailed by Haruhi.
Episode 8: The Lone Island Syndrome II
Kyon and Haruhi fall from a cliff while attempting to find the truth behind the murder of the island owner from episode 6.
Episode 9: Someday in the Rain
SOS-Dan enjoys quiet and uneventful period after the completion of The Adventures of Asahina Mikuru film.
Episode 10: Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu IV
Kyon receives a note from someone asking him to meet this person inside the classroom after the school period ends.
Episode 11: The Day of Sagittarius
The President of the computer society club challanges SOS-Dan to compete in a networked games called The Day of Sagittarius.
Episode 12: Live A Live
During the school's festival, Haruhi decides to help out a band member called ENOZ when their lead singer and guitarist can't perform on the stage.
Episode 13: The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi V
Haruhi forces Kyon to investigate the disappearance of Asakusa Ryouko. Later on, Itsuki shows Kyon something that is out of this world.
Episode 14: The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi VI
Haruhi becomes increasingly restless and unhappy with the world that she lives in especially after she sees Kyon and Mikuru flirting with each other.
Chronicle Timeline
April to May
1. Episode 2: The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi I
2. Episode 3: The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi II
3. Episode 5: The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi III
4. Episode 10: The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi IV
5. Episode 13: The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi V
6. Episode 14: The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi VI
7. Episode 4: The Boredom of Suzumiya Haruhi
8. Episode 7: Mysterique Sign
9. Episode 6: The Lone Island Syndrome I
10. Episode 8: The Lone Island Syndrome II
11. Episode 1: The Adventure of Asahina Mikuru - Episode 00
12. Episode 12: Live A Live
13. Episode 11: The Day of Sagittarius
14. Episode 9: Someday in the Rain
Asahina Mikuru no Bouken Opening Theme
Koi no Mikuru Densetsu 「恋のミクル伝説」
Performed by Gouto Yuuko 「後藤邑子」
ミ ミ ミラクル ミックルン ルン
Mi, Mi, Mirakuru Mikkurun-run
ミ ミ ミラクル ミックルン ルン
Mi, Mi, Mirakuru Mikkurun-run
Sunao ni suki to ienai kimi mo
勇気を出して (Beam Attack!!)
Yuuki wo dashite (Beam Attack!!
恋のマジナイ ミクルビーム かけてあげるわ
Koi no majinai mikuru bi-mu kakete ageru wa
Mirai kara yatte kita oshama na kyu-pi-
Itsumo minna no yume wo hakobu no
夜は一人 星達に願いをかける
Yoru wa hitori hoshitachi ni negai wo kakeru
Ashita mo ano hito ni aemasu you ni
Come on let's dance !! Come on let's dance !! Baby
Come on let's dance !! Come on let's dance !! Baby
涙をふいて 走り出したら
Namida wo fuite hashiri dashitara
Come on let's dance !! Come on let's dance !! Maybe
Come on let's dance !! Come on let's dance !! Maybe
空のかなたへ Special Generation
Sora no kanata e Special Generation
(Itsu ni nattara otona ni nareru no ka na?)
恋のマジカル!ミックルンルン! アッー!!
Koi no Majikaru! Mikurun-run! Ah!!
Opening Theme
Bouken Desho Desho 「冒険でしょでしょ」
Performed by Hirano Aya 「平野綾」
Kotae wa itsumo watashi no mune ni...
なんでだろ あなたを選んだ私です
Nande daro anata wo eranda watashi desu
もうとまらない 運命様から決められたけど
Mou tomaranai unmei-sama kara kimerareta kedo
I believe 真似だけじゃつまらないの
I believe mane dake ja tsumaranai no
You'll be right! 感じるまま感じるだけをするよ
You'll be right! Kanjiru mama kanjiru koto dake wo suru yo
冒険でしょでしょ!? ホントが嘘に変わる世界で
Bouken desho desho!? Honto ga uso ni kawaru sekai de
夢があるから強くなるのよ 誰の為じゃない
Yume ga aru kara tsuyoku naru no yo dare no tame ja nai
Issho ni kite kudasai
どこまでも自由な 私を見てよね
Doko made mo jiyuu na watashi wo mite yo ne
Ashita kako ni natta kyou no ima ga kiseki
Tsukamou mirai wo
I believe you...
I believe you...
Ending Theme | Full Dance Version
Hare Hare Yukai 「ハレ晴レユカイ」
Performed by Hirano Aya 「平野綾」, Chihara Minori 「茅原実里」, Gouto Yuuko 「後藤邑子」
ナゾナゾみたいに 地球儀を解き明かしたら
Nazo nazo mitai ni chikyuugi wo tokiakashitara
Minna de doko made mo ikeru ne?
Jikan no hate made
Wapu de rupu na kono omoi wa
何もかもを巻き込んだ想像で 遊ぼう
Nani mo kamo wo makikonda souzou de...a-so-bo-u!
ある晴れた日の事 魔法以上の愉快が
Aru hareta hi no koto mahou ijou no yukai ga
限りなく降り注ぐ 不可能じゃないわ
Kagirinaku furisosogu fukanou ja nai wa
明日またあう時 笑いながらハミング
Ashita mata au toki warainagara hamingu
うれしさを集めよう 簡単なんだよ こんなの
Ureshisa wo atsumeyou kantan nanda yo konna no
追いかけてね(追いかけてね) つかまえてみて
Oikakete ne (oikakete ne) tsukamaete mite
大きな 夢 夢 好きでしょ?
Ooki na yume yume suki desho?
Characters (SPOILER!!!)
"Kyon"「キョン」 / CV: Sugita Tomokazu 「杉田友和」
The main protagonist and the narrator of the story. A first year student at the school and one of the five members of the SOS team. His family consists of a father, mother, and younger sister. Kyon's real name is not known at the moment. Personality-wise, he's a knowledgable and compassionate person on whom the role of Haruhi's overseer is thrusted by others. This, however, usually ends with him saying his one liner, "yare yare". Although Kyon looks like an ordinary human being, he is considered important by both Koizumi Itsuki's and Nagato Yuki's superior authorities/boss.
Suzumiya Haruhi 「涼宮ハルヒ」 / CV: Hirano Aya 「平野綾」
A first year student at the school as well as the head of the SOS team. She is in the same class as Kyon and sits right behind him. Although she is a bright student and has attractive face and figure, she has a self-righteous and arrogant personality. She also lacks general common sense and is difficult to have a conversation with. Haruhi has the power to transform the world but she is not aware of this power and therefore ends up doing this unconsciously. Rumour has it that 3 years ago she created a rip in the space and time continuum.
Nagato Yuki 「長門有希」 / CV: Chihara Minori 「茅原実里」
An ex-member of the literature club who was around when Haruhi secured their room as SOS base. She is devoid of any expression most of the time and has a very high physical strength. Yuki is actually a humanoid interface created by Integrated-Data Sentient Entity in order to observe Suzumiya Haruhi. In the beginning, she is often seen wearing glasses but recently she has decided to take it off. Nowadays, she also has less and less interest in contacting the organisation in which she belongs as her emotions becoming more humane. At one point, she even sealed her ability to synchronise her thoughts with sentient-entities.
Asahina Mikuru 「朝比奈みくる」 / CV: Gotou Yuuko 「後藤邑子」
A second year student who's abducted by Haruhi to become SOS' Mascot character due to her Lolita charm as well as her huge bazoomas. She originally belong to the calligraphy club but Haruhi forced her to quit that club so she can become SOS' Maid/Mascot. Even though she is often objected to Haruhi's many cosplay idea, she seems to enjoy her position within the team and occasionally buys tea leaves for the team out of her own expense. Mikuru is actually an investigator from the future who's been sent to investigate the reason behind the rip in time/space space-time continuum which has prevent them from time travel any further past that point.
Koizumi Itsuki「古泉一樹」 / CV: Ono Daisuke 「小野大輔」
A mysterious transfer student who is invited to join the SOS-team by Haruhi after he moved into the same school in May, which is an unusual time for students to transfer into a new school. Itsuki belongs to an organisation called Kikan, a group of people with supernatural power who's capable of supressing the sealed dimension that is sometimes produced by Suzumiya Haruhi's mental instability. They also have the power to prevent a giant creature called Shinjin from performing destructive activities within the sealed dimension. Itsuki has the tendency to smile almost everytime but tends to give out a long and drawn-out explanation or commentary. Although he loves playing chess and card, he is quite unskilled at it. Itsuki also has the tendency to present himself in a formal manner.
Asakura Ryouko 「朝倉涼子」 / CV: Kuwatani Natsuko 「桑谷夏子」
A first year student who is actually a backup humanoid interface for Nagato Yuki. Despite her seemingly calm manners, her action turns out to be quite radical. At one point, she tries to murder Kyon so that Integrated-Data Sentient Entity can achieve a 'possible evolution' through Suzumiya Haruhi's emotional reaction. Her existence is eventually terminated by Nagato Yuki and other students simply assume that she has transferred to a school in Canada.
Glossary of terms
Sealed Dimension
A space which will appear if the mental condition of Suzumiya Haruhi becomes unstable.
Shinjin (God-people)
The blue giant which appears in the sealed dimension. It is believed to be the embodiment of Suzumiya Haruhi's stress/nervousness and will appear if the unhappiness within her heart reaches its limit. It is believed that by performing large-scale destructive activities in the sealed dimension, the figure allows Haruhi to relieve her stress.
Integrated-Data Sentient Entity
Lifeforms with high intelligence which exist in the sea of information system throughout the universe. Since this lifeform doesn't have any substance/body, it merely exists as information and therefore does not have the ability to observe. 3 years ago, however, the possibility of an evolution was found to be possible for the lifeform thanks to the data outbreak which was caused by Suzumiya Haruhi. Because they do not have the language nor the body to communicate with an organic life directly, they created a humanoid interface for its personels, which include Nagato Yuki and Asakura Ryouko.
TPDD (Time Plain Destroid Device)
The device used in order to call upon the existence of Asahina Mikuru and others from the future.
Novel translation
Haruhi Fanclub
Weekly Online Radio Program
Kyoto Animation's Suzumiya Haruhi website
High-res OP/ED
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